Ready to launch your website today? Let’s get started! STEP 1: Choose the Right Platform There are hundreds of different website building platforms and website builders around the market. WordPress, Wix, Joomla, Drupal… Just to name a few. You can also code your website from scratch, but I wouldn’t recommend it on mainly two reasons: It just takes too much time (seriously) Your end result will be mediocre at it’s best.. But which one should you choose? Let’s take a look at these recent statistics made by BuiltWith . How People Build Websites in 2018 As you can see from the graph above, in 2018, most popular website builders (or content management systems) are: WordPress (free) 51% Wix (paid) 7% Joomla (free) 4% Squarespace (paid) 4% Weebly (paid) 2% Here’s Why Most People Use WordPress to Build a Website WordPress is the easiest platform I’ve ever worked with, but it’s flexible enough to suit everyone – small business websites, online shops, bigger organizations and so o...
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